Thursday, April 17, 2008

7 Steps to Article Marketing

It seems like it was only a few months ago that I decided to start marketing through articles. I guess it was dumb luck I came across I figured I would try it out and submit a few articles to see where it went. Also I did some searching to see where else I could submit my articles. I did find a few and submitted a couple of articles to these sites as well. My biggest problem was finding the time to write articles, submit them to the various directories, and do my business at the same time. This is when I came to the decision that I would stick with one player in the market. I decided that I would place articles from my books onto and see what would happen. I went to google alerts and set up an alert for my name and article titles to see where they landed. At first, there was very little happening and then the process burst wide open!

I did not register my websites with the search engines as my time was being cut so short as it was and I did very little else to increase my page rankings. If I had taken time to do other things such as search engine optimization, start an affiliate program, build my elist, and so on, my ranking would likely be much higher. Right now all of my sites are pushing 4 as page ranking and the credit repair site is pushing 2. I am so impressed and all I did was use article marketing through!

So how can you capitalize on article marketing? I have come up with 7 steps to make the process easy! Just follow these steps and you may also be able to push your page ranking.

  1. So some research to find out the "hot" topics in your area of expertise. It is best to concentrate or focus on one area and make a list of at least 10 potential topics.

  2. Try not to be distracted by researching your interests. You should be after materials that are your strengths.

  3. Write one article per day based on your research. The articles do not need to be very long - 400 to 600 words seem to work best.

  4. Create an authors bio that will go at the bottom of each article. Some article submission sites only take a couple of sentences, while others offer up to 600 characters. You will need to create your bio so that you get maximum benefit. This means you should have a link back to your website and a statement of your expertise.

  5. When you are writing your articles remember that you are giving information that others can use immediately. These are not sales pitches. You can, however, weave your expertise into the article by adding a pertinent link.

  6. Plan to submit articles at least once a week. This keeps your material fresh and in front of your audience. If you upload all of your articles at one time, they will get stale quickly.

  7. Do not use automated systems for uploading your articles. You may ask why - if you hand submit, you will be in control of how each of the directories accept links. Some will allow HTML tags and others will be very limited or non-existent. If you hand submit, you will be able to capitalize on promoting your links.

I am still amazed at the results I have from article marketing especially since I have concentrated on and left other submissions to whenever I have an opportunity. I have learned that sending your articles in clumps is not the best policy and I am now disciplined to submitting fresh articles a couple of times a week. And, by the way, I compose all of my articles on the fly with What a great venue - thanks to Christopher Knight!

Bette Daoust, Ph.D. is a speaker, author (over 170 books, articles, and publications), and consultant. She has provided marketing, sales, business development and training expertise for companies such as Peet's Coffee & Tea, Varian Medical Systems, Accenture, Avaya, Cisco Systems to name a few. Dr. Daoust has also done extensive work with small businesses in developing their marketing, training, and operational plans. You may contact Dr. Daoust at You may also view her latest publications at or



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