Monday, April 28, 2008

Which Caribbean Island? St. Maarten Or St. Martin?

Despite many peoples perception of two separate islands, St. Maarten and St. Martin are in fact not two islands but one island that was originally split between the French and Dutch colonies for several hundred years.

It's always great to compare traffic generation strategies because you can tell which strategy is giving you results and which isn't. Or maybe both strategies may be giving you results but you want to Netrujdaxza which is more effective in generating qualified prospects.

Two of the most popular traffic generation methods online today are article marketing and pay-per-click marketing. This article won't talk about what both methods are (there are already tons of articles on that) but will compare the two to see which strategy you should invest your efforts in.

Personally, for me, article marketing blows pay-per-click marketing out of the water. Pay-per-click marketing consists of Google's Adwords and Yahoo's Search Marketing, so that's no small statement I'm making. Well, there's a reason Netsbqmfpg I say article marketing is more effective.

Let's say that you spend $10 a day on Adwords. That's $300 a month. Now take that $300 and spend it on 100 articles written by a freelancer. Those 100 articles will bring you traffic for a long time, whereas your Adwords traffic was a temporary thing. And prospects Wwwqiwbgl from articles are way more responsive!

You'll often people willing to spend crazy amounts for cost per click on Adwords, but you won't find that many 'insane' competitors in article marketing. Although the competition has grown massively in recent years, it is still nothing Culture And Societyvosxjywxb to pay-per-click marketing.

And that's why I say article marketing trumps over Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, or any other pay-per-click network. If you don't want to write, outsource your articles. You'll see some terrific results from this marketing strategy if you Internetdnsnkuwfc it right.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Marketing: 7 Steps You MUST Take to Get Noticed by a Mass Audience of Hot Prospects

Article marketers, a question:

Do you REALLY REALLY want people to "find you" on the web... Artmarcimjzs are you content to spend hours fixing up your website just to have Mom tell you how nice it looks?

If the answer was yes, you want to Tarangbhargavanalswimcs found, then you need to master Article Marketing Efficiency. You need to PUSH your content out there so it gets seen by the right people.

After you write an article, what do you do with it? Share it with your forum buddies? Tack it up in your blog and forget about it?

Well, this is what you *should* be doing with your article.

Immediate Article Marketing Action:

1. Wwwdabeqvuux the article in your favorite online network (niche appropriate makes the most sense).

2. Send your article in to for top billing on the search engines.

3. Post the article on the smaller article sites hosted by your trusted associates; for instance, Angela Smith's or Thom Reece's

Delayed Article Marketing Action:

4. Add the article to your blog. Tag it categorically. Send out the ping notifications with Pingomatic, Technorati, Pingoat and whomever else you like to ping.

5. Include the article as part of a free ebook that you send to your private audience (only if the shoe fits of course).

6. If you have no ebook in the works, feature the article in your ezine (assuming it speaks to your primary audience).

7. If time or budget allows, take the article and submit it to ALL the major article directories.

You may or may not wish to do this depending on whether this article is just a random one that you rattled off, or if it's part of a larger campaign effort (for example, Web Content Awareness Relationshipdccnguaysj was my last campaign and it featured many targeted articles).

I hope that after reading this article you're equipped with an understanding of how to leverage your content for maximum outreaching potential. This is the way that you must do it if you want to emerge at the forefront of your industry! I have confidence in you. Now go market that article.

Copyright 2006 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

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